A New Generation of
Faithful Conservative Leadership We Can Trust
Brian was recruited by the Trump Administration to move from his home in Ellis County to help deliver results for the America First Agenda. He is the only candidate in the Special Election who has delivered these major accomplishments:
STOPPED Socialist Policies
LOCKED DOWN OUR BORDER to stop illegal immigrants and Covid-19
PROTECTED OUR UNBORN and defunded Planned Parenthood
EMPOWERED PEOPLE to break free from Obamacare
PREVENTED NEW TAXES from being enacted and harming small businesses
STRIPPED POWER from Washington bureaucrats
SLASHED burdensome federal regulations
FORCED the Swamp to live with Texas common sense!
Senator Ted Cruz
Keith Shull, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Carol Hightower, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Terry Todd, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Joseph Lovitt, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Brooke Sereika, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Sandy Westbook, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Mindy Vernon, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Anne Griffin, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Tina Corley, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Michelle Wallace, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Sylvia Coulson, Executive Assistant, Ellis County Republican Party
Cindi Castilla, President, Texas Eagle Forum
Chuck Edge, Former Ellis County Sheriff
TJ Fabby, Small Business Entrepreneur
Brian Brody, Henderson County Precinct Chair
Ben Leder, Henderson County Precinct Chair
Harlon Bounds, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Anne Sherrill, Henderson County Activist
Beverly Gaitlin, Ellis County Precinct Chair
Kameron Raburn, Ellis County Co-Precinct Chair
John Tabor, Former Ellis County GOP Chairman and State Republican Executive Committeeman
Debbie Tabor, Retired Waxahachie school teacher
Maurice Osborn, Former Midlothian Mayor
Hud Hartson, Midlothian City Council
Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne
Betsy DeVos, Former Secretary of Education
Alex M. Azar II, Former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Texas Federation of Children Political Action Committee
Ambassador Andrew Bremberg, Former Ambassador, U.S. Mission to Geneva and Domestic Policy Advisor to President Trump
Admiral Brett Giroir, Former Assistant Secretary of Health; and Former Vice Chancellor, Texas A&M University System
Valerie Huber, U.S. Special Representative for Global Women's Health, HHS, Trump Administration
Travis Smith, Council Member, Waxahachie City Council
Eduardo Gonzalez, Trustee, Midlothian ISD School Board
Chad Adams, Former Ellis County Judge
Julie McCarty, CEO of True Texas Project
Kathy Ponce, Ellis County Precinct Chair and True Texas Project Ellis County Director
Paula Anz, Vice Chair Ellis County Republican Party and Ellis County Precinct Chair
Jason Watson, Ellis County Republican Party Officer
Charlie Patak, Ennis Activist
Leigh Wambsganss, Tarrant County GOP Precinct Chair, Founder Southlake Conservative
Andy Wambsganss, Former Southlake Mayor
Brad Elliott
Jutin Coffman, Midlothian City Council
Hud Hartson, Midlothian City Council